Home Artists Caroline Coolen


Caroline Coolen


1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Caroline Coolen



Paintings , Drawings , Wood

363 x 230cm


Caroline Coolen (°1975, Belgium) studied sculpture at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and the Higher Institute of Fine Arts in Antwerp. She regularly exhibits nationally and internationally. In addition to her autonomous sculptures, installations and drawings, she also has work in the public space. In 2016, she won the prestigious prize Ernest Albert for graphics & drawing. She lends her colourful and vivid imagination to the images that she perceives as striking. Dogs, trees and travel experiences acquire hallucinatory beauty through distortion or magnification. The strength of her drawings lies not only in its surprising and disarming themes. The translation of this into burlesque and colourful expressionist forms, through a deliberate mix of everyday materials, underpins the manipulation of thought that serves as a starting point. Or, how the banal triggers ideas about renewed forms.