Home Artists Caroline Tapernoux


Caroline Tapernoux


1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Caroline Tapernoux



Video and Installation

100 x 100cm


Born near Geneva in French-speaking Switzerland, nothing earmarked her for an artistic career. And yet we can perhaps see in her wild gambolling in the fields of her childhood, in a land where people still farmed, and farms were still numerous, the loam and foundations of what would become the basis of her work: a passionate quest for the light, and things immaterial. Her parents are art lovers and collectors, and it was in such a cultural environment that Caroline fashioned her sensibility and her culture, not in books but by living day in, day out surrounded by artworks.

Solo Exhibitions 2017 / Gallery Martagon / Malaucène, France 2016 / Golf-Fit Center / Puidoux, Switzerland 2015 / Modern Art Museum, Jiangsu / Nanjing, China 2013 / Gallery From Point To Point / Nimes, France 2012 / Gallery la Mezzanine / Bagnols-sur-Cèze, France 2010 / Nuits des Musées / Musée du Vieux-Nîmes / Nîmes, France Installation in the exhibition of Paul Ricard, de la réclame à la publicité / Musée du Vieux Nîmes / France 2006 / Chapelle de la Persévérance & Cloître des Cordeliers / Opening the cultural season in Tarascon / Tarascon, France 2005 Chapelle des Capucins / Aigues-Mortes, France Gallery Pascal Lainé / Avignon, France Gallery Shilla / Deagu, South Korea