Home Artists Arnaud Billottet


Arnaud Billottet


3 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Paris, France

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Works by Arnaud Billottet




26 x 35 x 3.5cm

1100,00 €

Éclat 1



30 x 35 x 1.2cm

2000,00 €

Éclat II



30 x 35 x 1.2cm

2600,00 €

Originally from the Paris suburbs, Arnaud Billottet is an artist resolutely turned towards contemporary art with various influences, from contemporary post war to Street Art. Attentive for lines and harmony, his work focuses on the representation of balance by seeking to give it an aesthetic sense. He builds himself by confronting techniques to reach at the expression of his art. He starts drawing early, for his personal enjoyment, but it is his entourage who has encouraged him to publish his work. Therefore, the public reacts with enthusiasm and he is quickly contacted by the internationals galleries , which will offer him the opportunity to be represented throughout the world and to participate in the 2018 edition of the WOPART FAIR in LUGANO (CH) and at the YIA Art Fair in Paris OCT2018 (carreau du temple) and to start 2019 at the Art3F Paris 2019 (Porte de Versailles), ART FORMOSA TAIPEI 2019 , ART FUTUR TAIPEI (2020), and first solo in Paris with the Yia Art Fair, and in ZAGREB (Croatia).