Home Artists Alessandra Rebagliati


Alessandra Rebagliati

Lima, Peru

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Lima, Peru

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Works by Alessandra Rebagliati



Video and Installation , Mixed Media

100 x 100cm


Alessandra Rebagliati returned to Lima after a journey of 13 years that took her to various cities in Europe. In 2006 She obtained a Master's degree in Fine Art at Central St. Martins College of Art, (London). With the collective VERN she held exhibitions in galleries in Madrid, Berlin, Hamburg, San Francisco, Walker Point Center for the Arts in Milwaukee and 55 Mercer Gallery, New York. Her first solo exhibition "Mental Landscapes" took place at the Vértice Gallery, Lima in 2008. In 2009 she presented a video installation "A Shed and a Half" Gallery in London. Her second show “The Game and the illusion" was held at the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega Cultural Center. In 2012 she participated in 'Código Postal' and 'Paisaje en Ruinas' as part of the Lima Photography Biennial. In 2016 she had her 3rd solo show at Socorro Espacio Polivalente, 'The Space between Things'. She created the collective X-Change Art Project which later became OArtProject with whom she has recently participated in fairs such as Feria del Este 2019, ArtMadrid 2019, BAPhoto, Odeon Bogota 2017, PARC Lima 2018, Scope Basel 2018, etc.

Recently with O-ArtProject she participated on a group show at Zapadores Museo Ciudad del Arte Madrid being part of the VIP ARCO Perú 2019 and currently she is part of  the group show “Sin Fronteras” at Forum Gallery.