Est_Art is opening its doors to the public for its new exhibition, Des_Illusiones. The exhibition aims at questioning man’s relationship with technology and how it has shaped daily life.
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Est_Art Space is a multidisciplinary space that aims to promote and showcase high-quality, fresh, and alternative art. With 1,700m2 of exhibition space, the space can accommodate almost any expression related to art, from exhibitions, presentations, round tables, workshops, and courses, to fairs. The gallery is committed to offering a 360-degree vision of art, where education, creation, exhibition, and sale are combined and coexist in the same place.
As part of its mission, the gallery takes care of its artists, gives them the necessary guidance to enhance their careers, makes their work visible, and positions them within the national and international art market. It also advises collectors during the purchase process, to search among all the works for sale in the gallery for the one that best suits their needs. Moreover, as an artistic and cultural space, it aims to break the barrier that exists between the general public and contemporary art through various activities such as workshops, presentations, and round tables.