Home Shows Natura Urbana - Claudio Cionini

Galleria d'arte La Fonderia presents Claudio Cionini's new solo exhibition Natura Urbana, scheduled from Wednesday, June 21 - with opening at 6:30 p.m. - in its spaces at Via della Fonderia 42/R.

Through his paintings Claudio Cionini will take us on a pictorial journey of discovery, and rediscovery, of cities of the world, enclosed as silent bangs of everyday life in his canvases. Paris, Venice, London, New York are the chosen destinations, of which we will be able to appreciate the unique atmospheres of these natures that man has built up over time, exploiting them and going on to bend them in his favor, becoming themselves an integral part and engine of life. The layers of acrylic, meticulously juxtaposed on the canvas, lead our gaze to study the shades of light, where they will rediscover themselves ever-changing and never the same, thus appreciating a canvas that lives by its and our light, creating unique natural and personal connections.

The history of each city moves between continuity in time and variety in space, where human beings and civilization play immersed in constants and variations. What recurs is the original contrast between natural and urban space, between the order of nature and architectural rationality. Every city tells a story, a translation of the people who inhabited it and who inhabit, preserve and transform it. By giving a body to the metropolis as a living thing, the urban network becomes the essence of its soul: a weaving of stories, memories, principles, languages and desires, institutions and ideas that the city has shaped so far and will guide in its future development.

The exhibition will be open until Aug. 4 with hours Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

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