Home Artworks Elvis with Wings

Elvis with Wings Discover the best available selection of paintings by the artist Howard Finster. Buy from art galleries around the world with Kooness! Kooness
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Elvis with Wings


Single piece Signed


Elvis with Wings

29 x 12 cm
11 x 4.72 in







1916 Valley Head, AL, United States

The American Folk Art Icon whose works forthrightly articulate a vision of all-encompassing love, peace, and harmony. This characteristic forthrightness is integral to Howard Finster’s life and work, and is completely lacking in guile. This rare quality gives his works a purity that reaches out to all humans regardless of cosmology or lack of same.

David Leonardis has collected Finster since 1990 when he introduced himself to the artist. Over time they became close friends. DL was so moved by Finster’s simple ethos that he single-handedly developed the The Howard Finster Vision House Museum. The museum houses over 300 Finster and family member artworks in its permanent collection.

Now Howard Finster’s art is recognized and sought after. Select pieces command top dollar. 

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Chicago, IL, 1346 N Paulina St

A premier spot for pop, folk and contemporary American art. From the late , great American folk artist Howard Finster, to the iconic imagery of Donald Topp, and the transcendent paintings of Matt Lamb, the David Leonardis Gallery features art that will enrich anyone's life....

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Suspended Uncertainty


51 x 58 x 5 cm

1369,00 €