Home Artworks Abstract Love

Abstract Love Discover the best available selection of sculpture by the artist Arman Ashot Hambardzumyan. Buy from art galleries around the world with Kooness! Kooness
10000 EUR
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Abstract Love


Single piece Signed Dated Titled



33.46 x 44.88 x 1.5 cm
13 x 17.67 x 0.59 in







'Abstract Love,' by Arman, Graphic Metal Sculpture

'Abstract Love,' by ArmanH, Graphic Metal Sculpture

The graphic metal sculpture 'Abstract Love' by ArmanH is an experience to turn the artist's drawing into a 2D sculpture using metal.  The intricately woven lines of metal create dramatic shadows when hung on the wall. "It expresses my inner world inspired by love. The line expressing the life-giving energy of love, and along with the symbols, brings the graphic sculpture to a balance." - ArmanH

This artwork is a part of Abstract Love #1, #2, #3, #4, #5” series. The presented artwork “Abstract Love” does not have a number, since it is the first work of the series, which was started in 2017 and finished in 2021.

Arman is an Armenian artist represented in several major collections around the world including the Terra Garden in Kikinda (Serbia), Contemporary Hall of the National Museum of Fine Arts (Chisinau, Republic of Moldova), Boyajyan Center for the Arts (Prague, Czech Republic), and at private collections in Europe, Asia and in the USA.

"Creation for me is an endless process: the more you search, the more you find, the deeper you dive, the more you get away from the earth’s crust. There are three important components in my artworks – philosophy, humor and dynamics. When these components are concentrated, the artwork can defend itself by engaging in discussions and become eternal, because the work of art lives longer than the artist. I work with different techniques (welding, soldering, casting, pottery, oil painting, drawing with coal, pens, and etc.). Each material has its own language. When you understand the language and make the material into an idea, the result becomes a successful work. I am inspired by the artworks of the greatest artists of all times – Fidias, Scopas, Praxiteles and Lysippos." -- ArmanH

1988 Yerevan, Armenia

Creation for me is an endless process: the more you search, the more you find, the deeper you
dive, the more you get away from the earth’s crust. There are three important components in my
artworks – philosophy, humor and dynamics. When these components are concentrated, the artwork
can defend itself by engaging in discussions and become eternal, because the work of art lives
longer than the artist. I work with different techniques (welding, soldering, casting, pottery, oil
painting, drawing with coal, pens, and etc.). Each material has its own language. When you
understand the language and make the material into an idea, the result becomes a successful work.
I am inspired by the artworks of the greatest artists of all times – Fidias, Scopas, Praxiteles and

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