Dated Titled
Giclee print, (2/5)
No one would think that the body of images presented here have been photographed at renowned sites of metropolisesand megalopolises of the world. It has a bizarre effect indeed to find the names of New York, Lisbon, Berlin, Paris, etc. beside the year on the labels of such photos. Not that the actual geographical reference would be crucial, as no recognisable motif of any kind appears in her photos. The viewer has the impression that the photos could have been taken at any place where there are geometrical forms, angles, diagonals, lines or abstract structures. At the same time, the reference to the names of cities is not only made to create an unexpected effect, but rather to make you see that New York is not merely the Statue of Liberty, Paris is not only the Eiffel Tower, and Berlin is not simply the Brandenburg Gate. The high-tech architecture of our days is also an inexhaustible source of linguistic forms; one only has to be able to find the secret and concealed details of these constructions; those details that are not made to be visible, but are intimated, lending themselves to poetic experiences of reality and to a highly sensitive mode of vision, focused on unique micro-worlds.
1978 Nagykanizsa, Hungary
Anikó Robitz (1978, Nagykanizsa, Hungary) studied photography at the Szellemkép Photography School until 2006 and later continued her studies at the Milton Friedman University in Budapest (2008-2011). She received the Graz Cultural City Network Award in 2008 and the Pécsi József grant in 2009. She lives and works in Budapest.
While Anikó is strongly situated in the medium of photography, her work correlates with other practices of fine art such as painting and printmaking. We can compare it to certain styles from the 20th century due to its formalistic troupes, like Minimalism, Constructivism and Supremacism, which all diverge from realistic depictions in art. Her signature approach to photography thus highlights formalistically bare images, imbued with rich modernist tradition as well as contemporary art practices.
Photon Gallery was founded in Ljubljana in 2003 to present and promote photo-artists from Central and South-Eastern Europe. It regularly shows work by both established artists and young emerging photographers. Photon encompasses various professional activities such as gallery work (production and organization of exhibitions), festivals (organization of Photo...