Home Artworks Humanbody

Humanbody Discover the best available selection of paintings by the artist Alo Schmitz. Buy from art galleries around the world with Kooness! Kooness
850 EUR
4.2 5 20



Signed Titled Framed

From the series Recycle Kunst



60 x 80 x 3 cm
24 x 31.50 x 1.18 in







Recycle art:
"the humansbody is 80% water, "
Der menschliche Körper besteht zu 80 % aus Wasser. Als wenn das nicht schon ein Grund wäre, unser Wasser sauber zu halten.

Meere produzieren insgesamt 70% des Sauerstoffs auf der Erde und genau soviel bedecken die Meere die Erdoberfläche. Die Ozeane geben uns Nahrung, Energie und Rohstoffe. Sie regeln unser Klima und die Wasserströmung und ist unser Temparaturregler. Der Lebensursprung kommt aus dem Meer und dennoch erkennt die Menschheit den "Meerwert" nicht und schüttet unfassbar viel Müll hinein.
Wieso sind wir so dumm?


Painting background: water bottle lid on wooden frame 60x80cm

1973 Neunkirchen, Germany

In addition to his professional activities, painting provides him with the necessary balance. The passion for small art projects gives him a lot of strength.
I would describe him as a self-taught artist who likes to live in Cologne Klettenberg and to do charitable work there.
He likes to catapult the viewer into the middle of the fifties with his paintings. This short journey through time is refreshing, but also thought-provoking and stimulates discussion.

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Köln, Rolandstrasse 69

Grevy is dedicated to bringing together artists and art enthusiasts. Grevy is a gallery which creates something new and special beyond already existing websites and galleries in the field of art: an art community The aim is to create a forum away from the established art market in which artists and art lovers can come together in a community. The idea is to ...

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