Home Artworks Asa Incepe Vara

Asa Incepe Vara Discover the best available selection of paintings by the artist Alex Manea. Buy from art galleries around the world with Kooness! Kooness
1800 EUR
4.2 5 20

Asa Incepe Vara


Single piece Signed Dated Titled



100 x 100 x 3 cm
39 x 39.37 x 1.18 in







Acrylic, enamel, lacquer & pastel pencil on canvas

2021 , Romania

Alex Manea is a Romanian painter born in 1988 who lives & works in Bucharest, Romania. He is a passionate painter who has exhibited his work nationally and garnered considerable social media popularity. He composes works that showcase an intricate attention to detail, an impressive balance of classical and modern elements, and layers of different techniques and ideas that cause the viewer to interpret the painting in a new way each time they see it. The artist is focused on pushing the limits of creativity through his artistic explorations of nature, psychology, spirituality, and dreams.

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Galerie Bruno Massa based in Paris was founded in January 2013 and is dedicated to exhibiting the latest works of contemporary art. The gallery is devoted to promoting emerging artists worldwide, especially in Georgia but also in China and other Asian countries. In 2018, Galerie Bruno Massa opened a branch in Seoul, Korea & in July 2019, moved its primary ga...

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