Home Artists Yener Torun


Yener Torun

United States

2 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Yener Torun

Ambush 2


Prints , Digital Print

50 x 40cm

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Blending in


, Digital Print

40 x 50cm


Yener Torun's art-photography compositions focus on the relations between space and the experience we have in it. He transforms the urban landscape, reframing architecture as geometric abstraction, creating an alternative reality. Conceptually Torun reforms the architectural elements from their original environment and repurposing them.

After studying architecture at the Istanbul Technical University in 2014, Yener Torun started a photography project focusing on lesser-known buildings and side-streets of his adopted city. Since then his work has been featured in major publications such as The Guardian, The Washington Post, CBS News, El Pais Semanal.

Yener, is established as one of the most interesting emerging artists of today and his body of work has been showcased in USA, South Korea Seoul Museum, Brazil, UK, France, Turkey, and Germany and it is collected worldwide.