Home Artists Vivian Gutt


Vivian Gutt


1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Vivian Gutt

The Pillars of France


Paintings , Mixed Media

40 x 60cm


Vivian Gutt (1968) is a Venezuelan artist who lives and works in Miami Florida.

She worked for more than 20 years as Creative Director of her own Advertising company and also for the renowned British agency base in Venezuela Aw Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising. Her creative background prepared her for becoming a visual artist as well as immersing herself in studies of fine art, digital art and photography at Miami Universities. Her specialty is mix media and Digital Art. She combines her palette of acrylic colors with different media over digitally manipulated photographs printed mostly on large canvas among other surfaces such as wood, metal or plexiglass.

Vivian has traveled into the art world creating pieces inspired by the history of people interested in acquiring them. She believes these add intrinsic value to a painting with which the client feels identified and will conserve for a lifetime.

“Migrations” is her most recent series of work.

The suitcases represent the countries to which a multitude of families have had to migrate for generations. Some of her pieces are special orders commissioned by collectors. In others she chooses to depicts historical migrations of countries that educate as well as inspire.

Vivian Gutt’s origins stem from a Jewish heritage. As a result, Vivian and her family have had to migrate to vast destinations. Not so long ago, Vivian had to leave her country where she was born and grew up; Venezuela. This is her source of inspiration. She translates her experiences and emotions on canvas using her color palette and distinct art including luggage’s filled with emotions. Vivian portrays the journey of an immigrant, and the rescue of identities, so that future generations will be able to remember and pass on these memories forever