Home Artists Tyler Haughey


Tyler Haughey

Ocean Township, United States

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Tyler Haughey

Malibu Motel


81.3 x 101cm


Tyler Haughey (b. 1988, Ocean Township, NJ) received a Bachelor of Science in Photography and Art History from Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA. He has been awarded an Individual Artist Fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, chosen as one of Photolucida’s Critical Mass Top 50, and selected as a Flash Forward Emerging Photographer by The Magenta Foundation. In 2018, he was nominated for PDN’s 30: New and Emerging Photographers to Watch and his first monograph, Everything Is Regional, was published by Aint-Bad. Recent exhibitions include The AIPAD Photography Show, New York, NY; High Summer at Sears-Peyton Gallery, New York, NY; The NJSCA Fellowship Exhibition at Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ; and Project Basho’s ONWARD Compé, Philadelphia, PA, which was juried by Elinor Carucci. His work has been featured in such publications as Slate, Artsy, PDN, Fast Company, AUGUST Journal, Lonely Planet, Spiegel Online, and Wired Magazine, and is included in the collections of Morgan Stanley and Fidelty Investments. He is represented by Sears-Peyton Gallery in New York and Los Angeles, and lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.