Home Artists Tilyen Mucik


Tilyen Mucik


0 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Tilyen Mucik

Tilyen Mucik (1995) finished her graduate studies in 2018 at Visoka šola za storitve (VIST) with a thesis project Flora Femina – combining female and botanical motifs in the field of photography. In 2013 she received first prize at Tresk festival for best concert photography, and again a special jury mention in 2018. At Rovinj PhotoDays Festival she placed second in the category ”Art Concept” with her photoseries ”Pink”. Her works have been exhibited in Slovenia and abroad (Layerjeva hiša – Kranj, Muzej za umetnost in obrt – Zagreb, Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova – Ljubljana, Galerija Photon – Ljubljana, Cirkulacija2 – Ljubljana, Sant Pau Recinte modernista – Barcelona, Slovenski etnografski muzej – Ljubljana, P74 – Ljubljana) and published in British (Wotisart?, SemiMagazine), American (Float magazine, Shuba magazine, F-stop magazine) and Canadian (Terroir magazine) online and printed magazines. She is currently finishing her master studies in Photography at the Academy of Visual art and Design in Ljubljana