Home Artists Peter Soriano


Peter Soriano


9 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

New York City

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Works by Peter Soriano

Porch Drawing 2


Drawings , Mixed Media

53.5 x 110.5cm

2900,00 €

Porch Drawing 6


Drawings , Mixed Media

48 x 100.5cm

2700,00 €

Warren st 8


Drawings , Mixed Media

73.5 x 57cm

2500,00 €

Warren 85. 18


Drawings , Mixed Media

26 x 94cm

2300,00 €

Warren 14


Drawings , Mixed Media

55 x 86cm

2900,00 €

L.I.C. 2


Drawings , Mixed Media

104 x 42cm

2500,00 €



Drawings , Mixed Media

38 x 98cm

2500,00 €

Oberkampf 2


Drawings , Mixed Media

47 x 91cm

2500,00 €

Peter Soriano is a Philippines-born French-American abstract artist who divides his time between New York City and Penobscot, Maine. Although he began his career as a sculptor, his work is now two-dimensional. 
He is known for his bold spray-painted wall murals and for his more intimate works on paper. Soriano's work is gestural and geometric, dominated by a graphic lexicon of marks and notations.


Soriano earned a Bachelor of Arts from Harvard College in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1981 and, that same year, completed a residency at the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture in Maine.


Soriano received his early art education from his uncle Fernando Zobel, a prominent Spanish abstract artist. Zobel emphasized the importance of drawing as the foundation of artistic development. He encouraged Soriano to copy works in museums and spend long hours drawing landscapes and human figures. In short order, Soriano came to rely on drawing to translate his experiences and movements through the world.

By the mid-1990s, Soriano had earned an international recognition for his deceptively playful, biomorphic sculptures made of fiberglass. His sculptures were regularly exhibited by Lennon, Weinberg in New York and by Galerie Jean Fournier in Paris. Then, in 2004, after a residency at the Atelier Calder in France, Soriano turned his focus to wall-based sculptures composed of steel cables, pipes, and spray paint. Eventually, Soriano eliminated structural elements altogether to introduce another body of work: wall drawings, or murals.

This new work appears at first glance to be abstract-a constellation of spray-painted arrows, lines, boxes, and notations-but in fact, the work references and is a response to Soriano's surroundings.

In conjunction with these wall drawings, Soriano makes works on paper inspired by the same subject matters. These drawings, on Japanese paper, are made with pencil, colored inks, spray paint, and watercolor. In the course of working on them, Soriano folds the paper again and again, "a process that refines and constructs his compositions until the drawings take on an almost sculptural dimension," to quote one critic. The finished works are dense in observations, rich in gesture, and complex in construction.


Soriano's work is inspired by his surrounding landscapes, including, for example: the Bagaduce, a tidal river that fronts his Maine studio; a hotel room in Busan, South Korea; the configuration of water pipes in his New York loft. Surprisingly, given that he is an abstract artist, he draws inspiration from Swiss 19th-Century landscapes, prehistoric cave paintings, and Japanese studies for Ukiyo-e works on paper.


Soriano's work is owned by museums in the United States and in Europe, including The Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, Paris, France; the Morgan Library & Museum in New York City; The Colby College Museum of Art in Waterville Maine; Harvard Art Museum in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His work is also included in the corporate collection of Neuberger & Berman in New York.


Soriano has exhibited extensively in galleries and museums in the United States, Europe, and Asia.


Solo Exhibitions


Peter Soriano: Project récents, Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris, France
L’art dans les chapelles, Chapelle Saint-Jean, Le Sourn, France


Cresta, CIRCUIT Centre d'art contemporain, Lausanne, Switzerland


3 Murals and Related Drawings, Lennon Weinberg, Inc., New York, NY


Permanent Maintenance , Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville, ME

Drawing Now Paris: Le Salon Du Dessin Contemporain , Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris, France


Panorama , Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris, France

Bagaduce - >()< - East 19thStreet. , Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Rockport, ME

New Work , Lennon Weinberg, Inc., New York, NY


Other Side and what follows , Domaine de Kerguéhennec, Bignan, France


Other Side - > (NUM)BERS < - + Dessins , Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris, France


Dimensions Variable , Frederico Sève Gallery, New York, NY Points Touching/Spaces Defined , Galerie Bernard Jordan, Zurich, Switzerland


Other Side..(...IDOL, AJAC, IONA, EMEU...).., Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris, France


New Sculpture & Drawing , Lennon Weinberg, Inc., New York, NY

Running Fix , Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain (Frac) Auvergne, Clermont - Ferrand, France


Œuvres récentes réalisées à l’atelier Calder , Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris, France


Kittyfat/Sac hé Workday Drawings , Ecole Régionale des Beaux - Arts, Caen, France


Œuvres récentes , Atelier Calder, Saché, France


New Sculpture & Drawing , Lennon Weinberg, Inc., New York, NY


Sculpteur , Ecole national supérieure d’art (ENAD), Limoges, France

Peter Soriano , Espace d’art contemporain Camille Lambert, Juvisy - sur - Orge, France

Juste pour voir — dessin(s) , Ecole national supérieure d’art (ENAD), Limoges, France


Peter Soriano , Galerie Bernard Jordan, Paris, France


Philippe Richard - Peter Soriano: peintures, sculptures 1990 - 2000 , Musée des Beaux - Arts, Tourcoing, France.


New Sculpture , Lennon Weinberg, Inc., New York, NY Peter Soriano , Interface 4, Marseille, France

Peter Soriano , Le 19 Centre régional d’art contemporain (CRAC), Montbéliard, France

Peter Soriano , Villa Steinbach, Musée des Beaux Arts, Mulhouse

Peter Soriano , Ancien collège des Jésuites, Reims, France

Skulpturen , Renate Schröder Galerie, Köln, Germany


Peter Soriano , MK Expositieruimte, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Peter Soriano , La Maison d’Art Contemporain (MACC), Chailloux de Fresnes, France

Peter Soriano , Galerie Bernard Jordan, Paris, France


Peter Soriano , Schmidt Contemporary Art, Saint Louis, MO


New Sculpture 1995 - 1996 , Lennon Weinberg, Inc., New York, NY

Sculptures, oeu vres sur papier , Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris


Sculpture , Lennon Weinberg Gallery, New York, NY

Group Exhibitions


Rodin Brancusi Carl Andre...Le Socle, Muba Eugène Leroy, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Tourcoing, France


Salon Galeristes, Galerie Jean Fournier, Carreau du Temple, Paris, France
Deux Côtés, Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris, France


Circus, Galerie Jordan/Seydoux, Berlin, Germany
Dé-Faire, curated by Eduard Prulhière, Galerie 65, L’ESADHaR, Le Havre, France


La chaleur de l’usure , curated by Pierre Baumann and Amélie de Beauffort, De Markten, Brussels, Belgium

Busan Biennalle , curated by Olivier Kaeppelin, Busan Museum of Art, Busan, South Korea

Inhabiting Ten Eyck , curated by Karin Bravin, Storefront Ten Eyck, Brooklyn, NY

Real Estate , Ventana 244, Brooklyn, NY


L’artiste collectionneur , Dix 291, Paris, France


Autre Pareil 2, le retour , curated by Philippe Richard, Galerie Une Poussière Dans L'Oeil, Villeneuve d'Ascq

France Break / Step , curated by Eileen Jeng, Radiator Arts, Long Island City, NY

La Fureur de L’eturnuement , Galerie Marcel Duchamp, Yvetot, France

Les pélagiques #2: La mesure des choses , Musée des Beaux Arts, Dunkerque, France


Autre pareil , curated by Philipp e Richard, Musée des Beaux Arts, Dunkerque, France

Provisional Painting , curated by Raphael Rubinstein, Modern Art Gallery, London, UK


It’s the uncertainty , THEODORE:Art, Brooklyn, NY

Ebullitions , curated by Julie Legrand, Artaïs, CEPF BNP Parib as, Paris, France

Geometric Illusion , Frederico Sève Gallery, New York, NY

Ends and Means , Lennon Weinberg, Inc., New York, NY

L’Arabesque , Bleu Acier, Inc., Tampa Florida


The Line is a Sign , Frederico Sève Gallery/latincollector, New York, NY

Emménagement , Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris, France


+ de Réalité , Ecole supérieure des Beaux - Arts, Hangar à Bananes, Nantes, France

Œuvres abstraites extraites des collections , Artothèque du Limousin, Limoges, France

Flow Chart , Lennon Weinbe rg, Inc., New York, NY


L’art dans les chapelles , Chapelle Saint - Fiacre, Melrand, France

La couleur toujours recommencée: Hommage à Jean Fournier , Musée Fabre, Montpellier, France

Taking Shape , Lennon Weinberg, Inc., New York


La Force de l’Art , curated by Eric de Chassey, Grand - Palais, Paris, France

Jean Fournier: Un choix d’œuvres sur papier , Le Ring, Artothèque de Nantes, Nantes, France

Synthetic Aesthetic , Roger Smith Lab Gallery, New York, NY

Artists Curating Artists: Plast ic Fantastic , curated by Christopher Chambers, The Shore Instutute of the Contemporary Arts (SICA), Long Branch, NJ


Non compatibles, une peinture sans qualités , curated by Catherine Perret, Villa Tamaris Centre d’art, Toulon

Gallery Artists , Lennon Weinberg, Inc., New York, NY

Works on Paper 2005 , Schmidt Contemporary Art, Saint Louis, MO

Maine Connections: The Obscure and the Celebrated Artists of Maine, 1920 - 2005 , Blue Hill Public Library, Blue Hill, ME


Posé sur le papier, dessiné sur le mur, carnet et une sculpture , galerie Bernard Jordan, Paris, France

Toys in the Attic , curated by Stephanie Theordore, Lennon Weinberg, Inc., New York

Le Syndrome de Babylone , Villa du Parc, Annemasse, France

Il y a autant de raisons que de faço ns de dessiner , Nouveau Théâtre, Angers, France


Corporal Identity – Body Language , 9th Triennial for Form and Content, Museum of Art and Design, New York, NY ; Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt, Germany; and Klingspor Museum, Offenbach, Germany

Quatuor Plastique , Ecole des Beaux - Arts, Valence, France


Archipelago , curated by Ann Shostrom, Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver, CO

Points, Lignes, Plans , curated by Eric de Chassey, Galerie Les Filles du Calvaire, Brussels, Belgi um

Made in Brooklyn , Wythe Studio, Brooklyn

Drawn from a Collection , Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville, ME

New Year New York New Work , Lennon Weinberg, Inc., New York, NY


Avatars du papier , Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris, France

FIAC 2001 , Galerie Bernard Jordan et Eric Seydoux éditions, Paris, France

Mir2 , Smack Mellon, Brooklyn, NY

Figstract Explosionism , curated by Tom Burckhardt, Bridgewater/Lustberg & Blumenfeld Gallery, New York, NY


Snapshot : An Exhibition of 1,000 Ar tists , The Contemporary Museum, Baltmore, MD

New Acquisitions : A Decade of Collecting , Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Simple Statements , Fine Arts Center Gallery, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI

Almost Something: Decept ive Abstraction , Catherine Moore Fine Art, New York, NY

Made On Mars , Glassbox, Paris, France

Luscious , Elizabeth Harris, New York, NY


Carte Blanche à Jean Fournier , Galerie du Jour Agnès B, Paris, France Ecole régionale des Beaux - Arts, Rouen, France

Luscious , Elizabeth Harris Gallery, New York, NY

Art Berlin , Galerie Rothamel, Berlin, Germany

Photographs by Painters, Photographers, Sculptors , Lennon Weinberg, Inc., New York, NY


22/21 Vision , curated by Dan Davine , Emily Lowe Gallery, Hofstra University Museum, Hempstead, NY

L’abstractions et ses territoires , Le 19 CRAC: Centre ré gional d’art contemporain, Montbéliard, France

Southern Exposure , curated by Sean Gelb, Ambrosino Gallery, Miami, FL

Nine Internationa l Artsists at Wånas 1998 , Wånas Foundation, Knislinge, Sweden

Rencontres 11 , La Vigie Art Contemporain, Nîmes, France

Pop Abstraction , curated by Sid Sachs, Museum of American Art, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA

Anne et les garçons , Galerie Athanor, Marseille, France

Utz , curated by Stephanie Theodore, Lennon Weinberg, Inc., New York, NY

Art Cologne 98 , Renate Schröder Galerie, Köln, Germany


Sculpture , James Graham & Sons, New York, NY

Just what do you think you a re doing Dave? , curated by Bruce Pearson, Willamsburg Art and Historical Center, Brooklyn, NY

Couleurs couleurs , Galerie Bernard Jordan, Paris, France

La Collection , Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris, France

The 33rd Annual Exhibition of Art on Paper , Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC


Un œil américain , Galerie Le Carré, Lille, France

The Enduring Presence: New York Abstraction , Ewing Gallery of Art & Architecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN ; Biggen Gallery, Auburn University, Auburn, AL; Roland Gibson Gallery, Art Museum at SUNY Potsdam, NY (1997)

Thing , Deven Golden Fine Art, New York

Buttered Side Up , curated by Giles Lyon, Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, Buffalo, NY; Koffler Gallery, Toronto, Canada (1997)

Hothouse , The Work Space, New York, NY

Skowhegan at Fifty: The Maine Legacy , Maine College of Art, Portland, ME; Maine Coast Artists (now CMCA), Rockport, ME

Salon des Tree , curated by Mary Jones and Austin Ackles, New York, NY


Gallery Artists , Lennon Weinberg Gallery, New York

Chess & Checkers , Exit Art/The First World, New York, NY

Maux Faux , Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, Inc., New York, NY


...It’s How You Play the Game , curated by Robert Storr, Exit Art, New York, NY


Faux , Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, Inc., New York, NY

A6° , Galerie Le Carré, Lille ! Dix aventures à vivre , Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris, France

Fantastic Wanderings , Cummings Art Center, Connecticut College, New London, CT

Works on Paper , Lennon Weinberg, Inc., New York, NY

Outside Possibilities ’93 , curated by Bill Arning, The Rushmore festival, Woodbury, NY

Sculpture , Lennon Weinberg, Inc., New York, NY


Recent acquisitions , Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA


Burning in Hell , curated by Nancy Spero, Franklin Furnace, New York, NY Three Artists , Elaine Benson Gallery, Bridgehampton, NY

1986 - 1987

Bodies and Dreams , White Columns, New York, NY