Home Artists Matthias Gálvez


Matthias Gálvez

Berlin, Germany

3 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Matthias Gálvez

Morning Glory


Paintings , Oil

150 x 170cm

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Die Zeichenstunde 4


Paintings , Oil

160 x 220cm

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Das Verbrechen


Paintings , Oil

160 x 200cm

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Matthias Gálvez (*1974), a contemporary painter from Berlin, has made a name for himself in the art world with his unique and expressive works. His style is a fascinating mixture of figurative and abstract art.

Vita 1974 born in Berlin 2001 Start of painting studies at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee under Werner Liebmann 2006 Diploma at the Berlin-Weissensee School of Art 2008 Master student with Werner Liebmann Exhibitions (selection, since 2002) 2024 "Frozen Moments", Köppe Contemporary, Berlin 2023 "Landflucht", Gallery Teterow, Teterow Positions Berlin, Artfair, Berlin 2020 "Manifesto", Uferhallen, Berlin (G) 2019 "Eigenbedarf" Uferhallen, Berlin (G) 2018 "Uferopen", Uferhallen e.V., Berlin (G) 2017 "Niemandsland", Westphal Gallery, Berlin "Wintercollective IV", Irrgang Gallery, Leipzig (G) Art Karlsruhe, Artfair, Karlsruhe 2016 Positions Art fair 2016, Berlin Art Karlsruhe 2016, Karlsruhe 2015 Matthias Galvez - The Enthusiasts Gallery Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart (G) 2014 "I love Art from Berlin", Galerie Sutter, Basel (G) 2012 "Femme debout - face et dos", Rosendahl, Thöne & Westphal Gallery, Berlin (G) "Don't wait for better times", Rosendahl Gallery, Thöne & Westphal, Berlin 2011 "Kunstaktien", Uferhallen, Berlin (G) "Change of Scene" Part 1, Rosendahl, Thöne & Westphal Gallery, Berlin (G) 2010 "One on One-Kokerei", Museum Kokerei Hansa, Dortmund (G) "Already a Year", Stefan Westphal Gallery, Berlin (G)