Home Artists Kanaid Silsat


Kanaid Silsat

Roi-et Province, Thailand

12 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Kanaid Silsat obtained his Master in Education at the University of Baroda, in 1983. After teaching and practicing arts for more than 30 years, he obtained his PhD, in Ancient and Asians Study, at Magadh University (India), in 2009. This experience gave him strong inspiration in his creation. Currently, he is an assistant professor in arts in Khon Kaen University, in Thailand. His artworks are concerned with the essential value systems that lie at the core of his culture. He is focused on preserving cultural traditions facing the current influence and challenges of global culture. Additionally, he re-interprets the traditions and cultural symbols through contemporary techniques.
- 1991 to 2021: 9 solo exhibitions held in Thailand, Myanmar, Australia and New Guinea. - 1976 to 2022: he participated in 57 group exhibitions held in Thailand, China, India, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Japan, Malaysia, Australia, France and Italy.
- 1977 to 1980: he was awarded prizes 4 times for his paintings, sculptures and photographs in Thailand. - Since mid 90’s: he has also been awarded residencies in Australia, New Guinea, India and China. His artworks were collected by Khon Kaen University, Deakin University in Australia and Canberra School of Art, Dept. of Asian Studies of Australian National University, as well as by private collectors in America, Australia, France, New Guinea, China and Thailand.