Home Artists David Jones


David Jones

1895 - 1974
United Kingdom

4 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by David Jones

Our Lady was a Milkmaid


Prints , Wood

10.1 x 5.7cm

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The Bride


Prints , Wood

11.4 x 8.2cm

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Gulliver Takes Leave of His Family


Prints , Wood

5.75 x 5.75cm

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14.6 x 16.5cm

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Walter David Jones CH, CBE (1 November 1895 – 28 October 1974) was a Welsh painter and modernist poet. As a painter he worked mainly in watercolour on portraits and animal, landscape, legendary and religious subjects. He was also a wood-engraver and inscription painter. In 1965, Kenneth Clark took him to be the best living British painter, while both T. S. Eliot and W. H. Auden put his poetry among the best written in their century. Jones's work gains form from his Christian faith and Welsh heritage.