Christie's evening sale "The Art of the Surreal" will directly follow the evening sale of impressionists and modern art "20th Century at Christie's" both on February 5, 2020, in London's district.
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The Surrealism art auction will be guided by the poetic work of René Magritte "A la rencontre du plaisir (Towards pleasure)" 1962 which it's estimated £ 8,000,000-12,000,000. This work has remained in a private collection for over 50 years and has never been offered on the market so far. But a total of seven paintings by Magritte will be present and covering artist path from 1928 to 1962, with a general estimate ranging from £ 350,000 to £ 8,000,000.

The René Magritte painting titled "Perspective: Le Balcon de Manet" from 1949 (estimate: £ 3,500,000-5,500,000) was inspired by Édouard Manet's "Le Balcon" from 1869 (Musée d'Orsay, Paris), and sees the models, between to whom the friend and artist Berthe Morisot, ironically portrayed in their wooden coffins depicted in their original positions in the Manet painting.

Characterized instead by one of the artist's most iconic leitmotifs, the iron bells, "Les fleurs de l'abîme" 1928 it's estimated £ 1,200,000-1,800,000 and tells the contrast due to the juxtaposition of artificial and organic elements. Executed around 1957, "Le baiser" (estimate £ 2,400,000-3,400,000) together with works as "Le roman populaire" (1944, estimate: £ 700,000-1,000,000), "Le somnambule" (1946, estimate: £ 600,000-900,000) and "Sans titre (La partition)" (1962, estimate: £ 350,000-550,000), will complete the group. Works will be exhibited inside the King Street galleries in King Street, from 30 January to 5 February 2020. Additional highlights of the sale will include a new discovery, Salvador Dalí's "Sans titre, bateau à voiles dans la baie de Port Lligat" (1960, £ 1,500,000-2,500,000), as well as "Paysage-effet d'attouchement "By Max Ernst (1934-35, estimate: £ 1,500,000-2,500,000), and" Ligustri "by Francis Picabia (1929, estimate: £ 2,200,000-2,800,000).