From 10/03/2023 To 30/05/2023
" It doesn’t really matter what you explore as long as you don’t stop! There are enough opportunities, only time is shy. And when you stop to look, ideas come to you where you least expect them. I once heard somewhere: ...”no one can teach you to see.” "
Mihai "Cetinode" Voinescu
Colors & Twisters 2023
An outburst of color and form given by the painter’s expressive interpretation of his immediate universe.
Cetinode tries a bold distortion of reality towards the idea of simultaneity of color and movement. The forms on display have a youthful edginess and a constant allusion to life.
The present theme selects, dissects and analyzes the plant organic, the expression of the silent world of flowers and plants. In thiscontext, they acquire a “visual” and dynamic voice, a furious emotion of the moment.
Your gaze is captivated and wanders through the paintings, looking for something. What you might find lies in the emotion of color, the raw green of nature, and the possibility of individual existence. The latter’s existence can be sad or happy, melancholic or pragmatic but always allusive.
The flowers are the binder, the rest of the subject is related to childishness, mystery, faces-appearances or, in some places, erotic references.
Cetinode relies on spontaneity, the purity of colors, harmonious and instinctive associations, a fact that separates it from his previous works.
Colors&Twisters is a mini-collection that colors the movements of the eyes, that guides toward unexpected angles.