Home Shows Jazz fürs Auge II

At the beginning of the year, we at grevy! successfully made a virtue out of our scheduling difficulties: Since a planned thematic exhibition could not take place due to circumstances, almost 30 artists spontaneously transformed our art space into a diverse and colorful interim salon with works in a wide variety of techniques and materials, formats and subjects.

Because this freely improvised "jazz for the eye" was very well received by the public, a new edition will now follow in late summer. And of course you and your friends are cordially invited!


Sylvia Dölz | Renate Geiter | Michaele Helker | Robert Huber | Katja Kempe | Lena Krashevka | Dirk Krings | Eva Löffelholz | Pascale Mer | Ulla Philipp Ivana Pittrof | Maxim Probst | Barbara Remus | Maria Rohr | Agnete Sabbagh | Frank Schaal | Kristina Schade | Jun Schäffer | Doro K. Schmitz | Steffen Schmoll | Nickel Schulz | Bernd Straub-Molitor | Ursula Traschütz | Nineta Verbica

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