Single piece Signed Framed


100 x 100 cm
39 x 39.37 in







composition of 9 paintings (30 x 30)

Acrylic on canvas

1968 Piacenza, Italy

Diego Maria Gradali was born in Piacenza in 1968. He obtained the Maturity of Applied Art at the Paolo Toschi Institute in Parma in 1987 and entered the world of advertising communication. Since 2009 he has devoted himself full-time to painting with a language that reflects his experience as an art director. He participates, over the years, in various events, exhibitions and international competitions, obtaining important prizes and awards. He is featured in the Mondadori Modern Art Catalog (CAM).

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Virtual Gallery,

The world is constantly evolving, everything around us changes more or less rapidly but it changes. Change can be positive or negative, it can please us or not, but evolution is unstoppable. It sounds like a cliché but it is up to us to decide whether to ride these opportunities for change or be at the mercy of them. ...

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