Home Artworks Lost myself



Lost myself


Single piece Signed Dated Titled


180 x 150 cm
71 x 59.06 in







Lost myself represents a moment of black out, associated with the loss of identity, a journey symbolic into a labyrinth where organic shapes and dark spots evoke unconscious fears, taboos, sides in shadow of the self. Infiltrations of light allow for the recognition and disavowal of forms and symbols in a continuous process of identification and disidentification. The work was also made with organic elements such as earth and natural pigments.

Brigitta Rossetti's Recherche, as French writer Marcel Proust put it, is linked to the expressive power of its original and complex plots and the meticulous descriptions of the inner processes related to memory, human feeling and the proscenium on which everything takes place; his Recherche, in fact, is a metaphorical journey that creeps through time and memory and which unfolds nimbly within a syntactic structure composed essentially of lenient grace and vehement layering, whose plot focuses broadly on a narrating self, which strongly demands on the one hand a one hand a great analytical capacity and on the other the exaltation of the intuitive forms of knowledge of the world and interiority of the human being.

Through the use of enamels, acrylics, blotting papers, textiles, mixed techniques and the integration of different materials, among others, in both pictorial and installation ones, Rossetti is constantly searching for a balance between figuration and abstraction, a creative crossroads in which the artist herself gives herself the opportunity to deepen the definition of space and the relationship between it and the work of art. Yes, it is an artistic creativity of an allegorically odeporic matrix, in which cohabit a certain rational, cosmopolitan, naturalistic and anthropocentric objectivity, and a greater emotionality and subjectivity of the motions of the soul..." excerpt from the text La Recherche edited by Domenico de Chirico.

Lost my self participated in the artist's solo exhibition "Peter Pan's Boots" At the Bianchi Zardin Contemporary Gallery in 2019.
The work was a finalist for the Artright Prize curated by Luca Beatrice, Marta Giani and Maria Chiara Valacchi.

1974 Piacenza, Italy

Born in 1974 in Piacenza, where she currently lives and works. 

She graduated in Modern Literature at the University of Pavia and specialized in digital communication by obtaining the MEM Master in Energy Management at the Politcenico di Milano. Her artistic training matured in Austria and Germany, where she took part in workshops with renowned artists, including Peter Keizer at the Akademie der Kuenste in Hamburg, the Chinese Zhou Brothers, the Polish video artist Anna Konik and the German sculptor Asta Gröting , at the Akademie Fur Bildende Kunst International in Salzburg, from 2007 to 2011. She was invited to the artist residency program at the Zhou Brothers Art Center and became part of the 33 Contemporary Art Gallery, curated by Sergio Gomez. In Italy she collaborates with the Barbara Paci Gallery, thanks to which she also participates in some fairs such as Arte Istanbul 2015 and Arte Verona 2014, where she is a finalist of the ArteIcona award.

In 2014 she took part in the Asolo Biennial curated by Giovanni Faccenda and won the first painting prize. In 2014-15 the artist worked mainly in Asia, in Taiwan in the Bluerider Art Gallery, focusing on the creation of site specific installations and performances. In 2018 she was invited to the Pop Revolution exhibition at the Fabbrica del Vapore by Philippe D’avio and was among the awarded artists; in 2019 she was a finalist for the second time at the Rospigliosi Art Prize in Zagarolo and took part in the Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong with the Bluerider Art gallery in Taiwan. Some works by Brigitta Rossetti are present in the collection of the Mim museum of San Pietro in Cerro, in Piacenza.

Finalist in 2020 for ARTE LAGUNA PRIZE.

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BIANCHIZARDIN CONTEMPORARY ART, within its exhibition space in via Maroncelli 14 in Milan, deals with carrying out research studies in the field of contemporary art which, through collaborations with artists, curators and collectors, lead to different activities including: exhibition projects for the production of exhibitions, fairs and publications; trainin...

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Arma de asedio, 2019-2020


40 x 60 cm


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60.96 x 91.44 x 0.2 cm

4158,00 €

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