Home Artists Zdeněk Sokol


Zdenêk Sokol

Prague, Czech Republic

0 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Zdeněk Sokol

Zdenêk Sokol went through hard times and experienced a deep sense of connection to all beings and their suffering. This led to a hypersensitivity to energies, the environment, and the energy of trees. Today, he channels this energy into his work, creating things that make people happy and spread love.

 For Zdenêk Sokol, the photos he takes are a journey through the beautiful and terrifying processes of being human. He believes that we are all creators of our own reality and that showing people hope and beauty is the key to inspiring change.

“When I’m lucky enough to be connected, I’m full of energy, I’m happy, I’m glowing, I’m giving out that joy and I feel alive”.

In the 1990s, Zdenek Sokol was one of the major and most renowned Czech art, advertising and portrait photographers. Between 1989 and 1993, he was a member of the “Bratrstvo” (Brotherhood) grouping, which significantly influenced the development of post-communist Czechoslovak photography.

At the turn of the millennium, Zdeněk Sokol gradually abandoned the medium of photography, before becoming silent completely and concentrating on different projects. In 2016, he returned to photography on a professional basis. Since 2021, he has primarily drawn inspiration from his collaboration with the National Theatre in Prague, which afforded him an extraordinary artistic milieu and a powerful creative impulse, which is duly reflected in his free work.