Home Artists Wil van de Vorst


Will van de Vorst

Veldhoven, Netherlands

3 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Wil van de Vorst

We Are Trees of Green (C)

Paintings , Acrylic

55 x 50 x 0.38cm

650,00 €

We Are Trees of Green (B)

Paintings , Acrylic

120 x 100 x 0.45cm

2150,00 €

We Are Trees of Green (A)

Paintings , Acrylic

140 x 110 x 0.45cm

2500,00 €

Wil van de Vorst is a talented artist whose abstract works of art are known for their unique style and emotional depth. His inspiration comes from a severe accident in his life that left a lasting impact on him, shaping his artistic vision and giving him a fresh perspective on the world around him.

In his latest exposition, “We Are Trees of Green,” van de Vorst explores the complexities of the human experience through his abstract paintings. Each piece is a reflection of his own journey and is imbued with a sense of wonder and introspection. Adding to the intrigue, Van de Vorst writes in mirror writing, which he also did when he learned to write as a young child. It reflects the viewer’s image onto the artwork, creating a deeper connection between the art and the observer.

For those seeking a truly immersive and introspective art experience, “We Are Trees of Green” is a must-see. Whether you are a seasoned art enthusiast or simply appreciate the beauty of abstract art, “We Are Trees of Green” is an exhibition not to be missed.

In his latest exposition, We Are Trees of Green,” Wil explores the complexities of the human experience through his abstract paintings, which are imbued with a sense of wonder and introspection.

We Are Trees of Green
Van de Vorst explores the complexities of the human experience, drawing from his own personal journey to create a series of works that are imbued with wonder.