Home Artists Semine Yang


Semine Yang

Seoul, Korea, Republic of

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Semine Yang



Paintings , Acrylic

120 x 90cm


YANG Semine (b.1985, Seoul, Korea) lives and works in Dijon, France. She holds a BFA and MFA from the École Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Dijon, and a degree in Fine Art from the Seoul National University of Science and Technology. Her work was recently included in an institutional exhibition The Drawing Centre Show, curated by Joe Bradley, Franck Gautherot, Seungduk Kim and Tobias Pils, at Le Consortium, Dijon in July 2022 and a group presentation with Galerie Marguo at Art Paris fair in April 2022. She’s held an online exhibition Next Wave with Galerie Marguo (April 2022) and a solo exhibition L’étrange familier at Octave Cowbell (Metz, 2019). Yang is the recipient of the 2018 Prix Jeune Talents Côte-d’Or.

For over a decade, Yang Semine's practice has been shaped by an interest in the natural world and our inextricable place in its ecology. The artist’s recent paintings are the product of a more instantaneously, process-based, and overall holistic approach.