Home Artists Markus Guschelbauer


Markus Guschelbauer

Freisach, Carinthia, Austria

7 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Markus Guschelbauer

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64 x 80cm

1100,00 €

Rasenstück I



66 x 79cm

1700,00 €

Waldraum l



80 x 60cm

1700,00 €

Komposition in Fabre ll



118 x 100cm

2200,00 €

Waldraum III



76 x 60cm

1800,00 €

Waldraum ll



76 x 60cm

1800,00 €

Plastic Nature



103 x 130cm

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Markus Guschelbauer (1974, Freisach, Carinthia, Austria) graduated in Photography at the Akademie für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna in 2009 and has been working as a freelance artist since. Exhibiting both locally, in Austria, and internationally, his works have been acquired by various collections such as Verbund Kunstsammlungen and the collection of the city in Vienna. He currently lives and works in Vienna.

Guschelbauer’s work is rooted in photography, video and site-specific installations. The notion of landscape and its depictions in visual art are at the centre of his art practice art together with theoretical and practical discourses on nature. His artistic approach includes various media, touching upon questions on sculpture, architecture and photography. Guschelbauer’s key interest is an examination of the relationship between landscape and culture, whilst addressing the issues of the depiction of landscape throughout the history of art.

Selected Exhibitions (Recent):

2020: Au, Flat1, Vienna
2020: Montology, Photon Gallery, Vienna
2020: InExterior, Rauminhalt, Vienna
2020: Luft, Kunstverein Kombinage, Vienna
2020: Zur Freiheit der Wahl, Museum am Bach, Ruden
2019: Out There, Invervention im öffentlichen Raum, Vienna
2019: Landschaft/pesaj, Galeria Posibila Bucharest, Romania     
2019: Was Fotografie kann, NöArt, Wanderausstellung NÖ   
2019: Solitude and Wilderness, Kunstverein Kombinage, Vienna
2018: I am nature, KroArtContemporary, Vienna
2018: Kjerringoy Land Art Biennale, Kjerringoy, Norway
2018: Montello, KunstvereinKombinage, Vienna
2018: Romantology, Photon Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2018: Taming of Landscape, Bildraum01, Vienna
2018: Who´s afraid of Green, Storefront 181, Amsterdam
2017: romantology, Photon Gallery, Vienna, Austria
2017: Raumkonzepte, Fotogalerie Wien, Vienna
2017: Stillleben, MMKK, Klagenfurt