Home Artists Pascale Mer


Pascale Mer


5 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Hürth near Cologne

Represented by


Works by Pascale Mer

India 4


Paintings , Drawings , Mixed Media

30 x 30cm

500,00 €

Gouache 1


Paintings , Mixed Media

130 x 130cm

1500,00 €

Gouache 8


Paintings , Mixed Media

30 x 30cm

300,00 €



Drawings , Charcoal , Mixed Media

70 x 50cm

900,00 €

Pascale Mer belongs to the group of painters who, at the end of the 20th century, question painting in terms of meaning and substance and take stock of what remains.

What remains, after all, is not the style, but the elements of painting itself: the colour, the form, the format and the duct.

What is new in the twentieth century is the awareness that a painting can have a will of its own and that the painter is a kind of medium through which this will is realised.

Pascale Mer seems to share this view of the autonomy of the picture, for she tries to keep her own ratio out of the act of painting as far as possible.

In her paintings, an inner harmony is created that unites opposing elements.

One looks through transparent layers of paint from which form elements emerge that are reminiscent of calligraphic signs, of a secret script that cannot be deciphered.

Characteristic of Pascale Mer's new paintings are the surfaces applied with delicate colours and the almost monotonous rhythms of those sequences of signs that seem almost identical.

A calmness emanates from these works that offers a pleasant antipole to the hectic hustle and bustle of the big city.

Pascale Mer's painting positions itself in the inexplicable.

Her starting points are the deep layers of subjectivity, which dissolve in the meditative act of applying paint and become forms, forms that are repeatedly questioned, i.e. reworked, until a harmony emerges that encompasses all the components of the painting.

Dr Helmut Orpel from Art Profil 1999 /5th volume


Group Exhibition `PAN Kunstforum´ Emmerich


Virtual Group exhibition – Kunstroute EhrenfeldExhibition  together with Christine Kaul  at Art Room `Grevy´ `Im Fluss ´


Virtual Group exhibition- Kunstroute Ehrenfeld 2020 / Terre des hommes
Group exhibition in Cologne at Art Room `Grevy´ `Salon d´Art´
Group exhibition in Cologne at Art Room `Grevy´ `42´


Group – Exhibition in Cologne at `Atelier Colonia ´
during `Art Route Ehrenfeld´


Group – Exhibition in Cologne at `Atelier Colonia ´
during `Art Route Ehrenfeld´



Group – Exhibition, Creative Werkstatt during „Weekend of Open Studios“ in Brühl



Single –  Exhibition, „Grünlilie“ in Cologne



Group – Exhibition, Creative Werkstatt during „Weekend of Open Studios“ in Brühl



Group – Exhibition  Kulturinitiative 3/4 in Köln



Exhibition during the  „Day of Architecture Cologne“ Architectural Office and House Blankenhorn



Training and  work (since 2007) as Gestalttherapist (Fritz and Lore Perls)


Further training in different  therapeutic practices.

Ongoing artistic work without exhibiting

Work as instructor in Painting Practice at VHS Rhein – Erft



Group – Exhibition, „Große Kunstausstellung Düsseldorf“



Group – Exhibition, Amberg at „Galerie Neue Kunst“

Group – Exhibition, Nürnberg at „Galerie Münch und Seeling“