Home Artists Myoung-Goo Ha


Myoung-Goo Ha

Korea, Republic of

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Myoung-Goo Ha

Don't Ignore Baby Monster



25 x 37 x 22cm


Myoung-Goo Ha is a Korean artist and sculptor who lives in Japan. After his long academic training in some of the best European and Asian art schools he devoted himself to his sculptural artistic production based above all on the use of ceramics.

Academic ability 

  • 2009 B.F.A Kyung Hee University (Republic of Korea)
  • 2012 Exchange Program Royal College of Art (UK)
  • 2013 M.F.A Kyoto City University of Art (Japan) 

Solo Exhibition 

  • 2012 [Hollow] (Kyoto / Maronie gallery)
  • 2014 [What is the perfection?] (Tokyo / Steps gallery)
  • 2015 [Break down is an Enlightening] (Tokyo / Silver shell gallery)
  • 2016 [Shape and Function] (Tokyo / Azabujuban gallery) 2016 [That is invisible, inaudible, intangibility. But we felt or sensed the presence.] (Tokyo / Silver shell gallery)
  • 2017 [Message hidden in humor] (Tokyo / Azabujuban gallery)
  • 2018 [Message hidden in humor] (Daejeon / JISO gallery)
  • 2019 [The glorious new year and pig, gift for you that is blessing] (Seoul / Avenuel, Lotte Department main store) 

Art fair & Biennale 

  • 2014 Affordable Art Fair in Singapore
  • 2015 Nkanojo Biennale in Japan [CHIKUWA Unit Project]
  • 2016 Craft Trend Fair 2016 in Korea [Marunuma Art Park booth]
  • 2017 Art Fair Tokyo 2017 [EUGENE Gallery booth]
  • 2017 Busan Biennale in Korea (Sea Art Festival 2017]
  • 2018 Art Fair Tokyo 2018 [EUGENE Gallery booth]
  • 2018 BAMA 2018 in Korea (Marunuma Art Park booth]