Home Artists Marria Pratts


Marria Pratts

Barcelona, Spain

2 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Marria Pratts

Mec de la rue


Paintings , Mixed Media

195 x 130cm


Maria Pratts' artwork speaks of a decadent world and shows the habits and stereotypes of its environment. It is a loud and ironic discourse, which takes the street as its main setting. The artist combines the language of graffiti and 'millennial' references with irony and humour. Her work is ultramultidisciplinary; it hardly matters to her whether she uses paint, sculpture, comics, ceramic, photography, video, or music. They are works where the message is more important than the technique. She considers herself self-taught: not needing academies, strategies, nor methodologies.

The intensity of her work surges from a drive for contemporaneity. Although a critical work of art, it maintains an air of hope and optimism through its bright colours, naïve style, and the spontaneity of the themes explored - all of which are used to rub salt into the wounds of the problems and contradictions in our world.