Home Artists Leonid Keller


Leonid Keller

United States

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Berlin, Germany

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Works by Leonid Keller

Cycle 1


Prints , Digital Print

90 x 90cm


Julia Ossko and Eugen Schulz have been collaborating as the artist duo Leonid Keller since 2013. They live and work in Berlin, Germany. 

Leonid Keller's installations are based on site-specific materials, that let them create a strong subjective dramaturgy of what they witness in the environmental and social structures of a particular place. They apply these materials to reflect traditions and social and political status, both historic and contemporary. 

The installations are composed of various media such as collage, drawing, sculpture, screenprint, photography and video. The process of the artistic development is an integral part of their installations.