Home Artists Ladislav Postupa


Ladislav Postupa

Náchod, Czech Republic

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Ladislav Postupa




30 x 30cm

1400,00 €

Ladislav Postupa (1929, Náchod, CZ) received his education at the Technical University in Liberec. After several years of working as a designer, he published his first photographs in 1959. He then became a member of the Union Czechoslovak visual artists in 1965. In the following years he made his first photographs on negative plates in the style of wall paintings, and experimented with various new techniques in photography; he also applied for several patents in Czechoslovakia. In 1970, he successfully patented a surface treatment for photographs on wood-fiber boards, which perserved images from fading.

As an artist, Postupa was an heir of the abundent tradition of Czech Surrealistic photography. His interpretations of ordinary scenes draw from a penetrating surrealist perception of the world and its rich imagination. His work became better known to the public in the 1960s when his photographs were shown at several important exhibitions on surrealism and photography in Brno in 1966. His first monograph was published in 1967 when he also started to work as a professional photographer and opened his artist studio in Liberec.