Home Artists Kateryna Komendant


Kateryna Komendant

Kharkiv, Ukraine

4 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Malmo, Sweden

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Works by Kateryna Komendant



Paintings , Oil

50 x 50 x 3cm

2300,00 €



Paintings , Oil

220 x 220 x 3cm

8200,00 €



Paintings , Oil

130 x 80 x 3cm

4000,00 €

Tiger Graze


Paintings , Oil

100 x 80 x 3cm

4400,00 €

Kateryna Komendant is a Ukranian contemporary artist born in 1998 who lives and works in Malmo, Sweden. In 2021, she was graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts at the department of Artwork Restoration and Examination. Since 2017, she worked with public art, street art and graffities. Kateryna has several murals in Barcelona, Kyiv and Kharkiv. Her artwork is about the interaction between strong opposite energies, which are struggling, because the whole world is a struggle with compromise, victory, and defeat. Her world is full beauty intertwined with ugliness, good with bad. These opposite things together create what surrounds us. It is amazing and sometimes scary to watch how it all moves and you can be a spectator of all these events.