Home Artists Gerd Mackensen


Gerd Mackensen

1949 - 2023
Nordhausen, Germany

0 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Gerd Mackensen

Painter and graphic artist who works in the border area of figurative and abstract, who deals with line and color in a virtuoso way. Gerd Mackensen is represented in numerous national and international museums and collections, he received numerous awards
Born 1949 in Nordhausen, lives in Sondershausen, 1970 - 1975 studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Dresden, cartoon "Leben und Thaten des berühmten Ritters Schnapphahnski" (Life and deeds of the famous knight Schnapphahnski), 1980 freelance work at the children's book publishing house Berlin, 1980 - 1981 stage designer at the theater of the city of Nordhausen, 1990 - 1993 member of the artist group "D.206 Die Thüringer Sezession" (The Thuringian Secession), 2003 - 2004 work on large-scale bronze sculptures Numerous exhibitions, participation in fairs he died in 2023

Künstler in Thüringen, Band 4. 1999

Tiefgrün bis zartbitter. 2014