Home Artists Gary Tu


Gary Tu

Taichung, Taiwan

1 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Gary Tu

Sous la néon


Paintings , Video and Installation , Mixed Media

161.5 x 125.83cm


Gary TU is a Taiwanese illustrator, specialized in describing the image of women and in fashion with watercolor. It is good to capture the soul of women by combining the cultural specialties of the West and the East, watercolor and ink, in his works. Her reputation and the visibility of her paintings are increased recently through fashion magazines, for example, VOGUE, Marie Claire. This is more and more co-operation with luxury brands. Today, he is recognized as an icon of the Taiwanese fashion illustrator.

2016 the artwork was collected by 81/2 Ottoe Mezzo BOMBANA 3 Michelin stars in Hong Kong.
2016 the artwork was collected by Amber The Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hotel
2015 Collaboration with luxury department store - Landmark in Hong Kong.
2014 the first illustrator who collaborates with BMW TAIWAN.
2013 the first illustrator who collaborates with Milk X magazine in Hong Kong.
2013 the first illustrator who collaborates with Piaget.

Lecturer at Shih Chien University in Taipei senior lecturer of Xue Xue Company in Taipei
Lecturer at Private Chinese Culture University in Taipei
Lecturer at National Defense Medical Center

2018 YIA, V & E ART, Paris, France
2017 Art Shopping Côte d'Azur
2017 Business Art Fair in Paris, France
2017 Aulnay Spring Show in Aulnay, France
2016 Combination Expo from Select Shop - Hotel V in Taipei, Taiwan
2015 Mountain Living Expo in Taipei, Taiwan
2015 BMW New Collection at BELLA VITA Taipei, Taiwan
2014 Solo Exhibition - Kate has a loft in Taippei, Taiwan
2014 Guest Exhibition at SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI department store Taipei main station & Tainan Shiao ShiMen
2014 Exhibition at SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI department store Taipei ShinYi
2013 Group Exhibition 【Gallery.Soul.Art】