Home Artists Dolors Comas


Dolors Comas


3 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Dolors Comas



Paintings , Drawings , Acrylic

97 x 130cm




Paintings , Drawings , Acrylic

54 x 65cm




Paintings , Drawings , Acrylic

60 x 90cm



Dolors Comas was born in 1957 in Palma de Mallorca, Mallorca.She began her education in 1978 at the School of Applied Arts in Palma and took several courses in painting and graphic arts.Her numerous trips among others to Morocco, Cuba, India, New York, Vietnam and so on stimulated their artistic creation.The artist has her workshop in Pla de Na Tesa's town, on the island of Mallorca. Her works have been exhibited around the island, as well as in numerous cities such as Ibiza, Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla, Milan, Frankfurt, London, Manchester, etcetera.Dolors Comas usually forego giving title to her works; Although we can sometimes find a haiku behind the pictures. These ancient pieces, defined as short lyricisms of traditional Japanese poetry, are the message the artist directs to the observer.


2020 Contemporary Art Fair participation with Espai D'Art 32 Gallery. Madrid.

2019 Contemporary Art Fair participation with Espai D'Art 32 Gallery. Madrid.

2018 -species- Exhibition. Ajuntament Vell de Formentera, Formentera.

      Participation in Hybrid Art Fair & Festival with Espai D'Art 32 Gallery. Madrid.

2017 Participation in Art Fair Málaga with Espai D'Art 32 Gallery. Málaga.

Participation in TAUJA. Santa Eugènia, Eivissa.

2016 Participation with Espai D'Art 32 Gallery in FIGBILBAO. Euskalduna Palace, Bilbao.

"The role of paper" Espai D'Art 32 Gallery. Pollença, Mallorca.

2015 “Beyond the limits” Itinerant Paris, Binissalem, Ciutadella and Pollença.

  Large Format Exhibition at Gran Palace, Muro.

August "Blue" Zenitart Collective.

Incart - Sa Quatera - Visions Urbanes.


2014 Zenitart Dolors Comas & 6, Art Night.

      Art and Copies Night, Sa Pobla (Exhibition WINES).

      1001 CAPS Collective Ceramics.

      Zenitart Collective Scacs

     Son Montaner Golf Club, Mallorca.

2013 When the Love arrives? Marimon Gallery, Ca'n Picafort.

       Within the universe. Individual. Espai D'Art 32 Gallery, Pollença.

      Fran Reus Collective. Palma.

      Night of Art Lloseta Collective. Palace of Ayamans, Lloseta.

2012 Collective. Fran Reus Gallery, Palma.

      Collective. Matissos Gallery, Colònia de Sant Jordi.

     Art Night. Ca'n Pere Ignasi, Campos.

     Collective. Espai d'Art 32 Gallery, Pollença

     Collective. Cloister of Pollença, Pollença.

     Collective. Night of the Art. Zenitart Gallery, Palma.

    Collective. Night of the Art. ROME 13, Palma.

2011 Museum of Porreres, Porreres.

2010 La Misericòrdia, Palma.

      Ca'n Fondo, Alcúdia.

      Collective "Journey to Paradise". Ca'n Prunera, Sóller.

      Room Sc. de s'Alamera, Eivissa.

     Collective "Sa Quartera". Inca.

2009 "Journey to Paradise". Wolrd Travel Market, London.

       Wine label, Winery Macià Batle. Santa Maria del Camí.

      Ca'n Prunera, Sóller

     "Cuba". S´Escorxador, Marratxí.

      Collective. Tourism Fair. Manchester.

      Artistic Expressions, traveling the Balearic Islands: Pollença Museum,

      Casal Ca'n Pere Ignasi de Campos, Auditorium of Porreres, Manacor Museum,

     Sa Cuartera d´Inca.

     Collective. Es Raco 98 Gallery, Sóller.

     Casal Balaguer, Palma.

2008 First Night of the Art. Auditorium of Porreres, Porreres.

       Es Reco 98 Gallery, Sóller.

        "Cuba 2008" at the station of Artà, Artà.

        Fran Reus Gallery, Palma.

        Collective. Casal Balaguer, Palma.

2007 Balmes Gallery, Barcelona.

       1st Night of Art and Cups. Casa Miss, Sa Pobla.

       Collective. Es Racó 98 Gallery, Sóller.

      Collective. II Art Night. Cunium Gallery, Inca.

     Collective. Matissos Gallery, Colònia de San Jordi.

     Collective. Fran Reus Gallery, Palma.

2006 Collective. Matissos Gallery, Colònia de Sant Jordi.

      Participation in the Art Fair of Seville.

      Cunium Gallery, Inca.

      "Cuba". Cas Pellers, Binissalem.

      Collective. Fran Reus Gallery, Palma.

2005 Ca'n Gelabert, Binissalem.

      Collective. Fran Reus Gallery, Palma.

      Participation in the "IV Art Fair". Madrid.

     Collective "Woman and eroticism". Cunium Gallery, Inca.

2004 Participation in the "III Art Fair". Madrid.

       Collective "De Arte". Cunium Gallery, Inca.

2003 Cunium Gallery, Inca.

       Collective. Cunium Gallery, Inca.

2002 Permanent exhibition. Punt d'Art, Porcelanosa, Palma.

       Collective. Cunium Gallery, Inca.

2000 S'Escorxador, Marratxí.

1999 S'Agricola, Manacor.

1998 Gallery "Il magnifico di Breda", Milan.

1997 Horrach Moyà Gallery, Palma.

      Collective "Fair Brokanters". Palma.

1996 Alcón Gallery, Madrid.

      S'Escorxador, Marratxí.

1995 "Colors of the Mediterranean". The English Court Barcelona.

1994 Horrach Moyà Gallery, Palma.

      Ducal Gallery, Manacor.

      Collective. S'Escorxador, Marratxí.

      Horrach Moyà Collective. Palma.

1993 Augusta Gallery, Barcelona.

      "Kunsthanlung gebr", Frankfurt Book Fair.

      Club "Elite" San Agustí, Palma.

1992 Ducal Gallery, Manacor.

      Augusta Gallery, Barcelona.

      La Caixa, Lluchmajor.

     Horrach Moyà Collective. Palma.

1991 Collective. S'Escorxador, Marratxí.

1990 Collective. Banca March, Palma.

       La Caixa, Palma.

1989 Collective "Pintores Mallorquines". Palma Airport, Palma.

1988 Collective Mallorcan Landscapes. Palma Airport, Palma.

      City Council of Marratxí, Marratxí.