Home Artists Athos Faccincani


Athos Faccincani

Peschiera del Garda, Italy

6 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Milan, Italy

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Athos Faccincani (Peschiera del Garda 1951) is one of the most successful Italian artists, known even abroad thanks to important exhibition (a personal one in Strasbourg at European Parliament, and another one in Tokyo at Grand Hyatt Hotel). He exhibited his works in many Italian adn foreign cities (London, Paris, Vienna, Chicago, Madrid, Los Angeles, New York, Zurich...) and was also appointed European Personality 2008 (Rome).

Self-taught artist who made his training in workshops of artists like Guidi, Seibezzi, Novati. Faccincani realizes expressionist artworks in his first creative period. They are characterized by a great introspection and dark colours. He studies marginalized people's behaviour, the manner of prisoners and patients of psychiatric hospitals.

This early production drives him in existential crisis so at the end of '70s he leaves painting for a period. The birth of his son Mattia gives him again happiness and the will to paint.

His style changes radically and he approaches the Impressionism: the subjects of his canvas are landscapes, warm colours of Greek islands, Costiera Amalfitana, and Ligurian coast. Little brush strokes, intense and bright shades which throw the observant into summer atmospheres and in the lush Mediterranean nature.