Home Artists Witho Worms


Witho Worms


2 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Witho Worms

Boussu Bois


18 x 49cm


Farciennes (Chemin d'Aiseau)


19 x 49cm


Witho Worms is a Dutch artist-photographer. His background in visual anthropology has lead him into an ongoing investigation in the medium of photography and its claim for natural representation and factuality. His special interest is concerned with the landscape. To be more precise, he finds his subjects there where a clear distinction between a natural and cultural environment cannot be made. Culture = Human Nature. In January 2006 Witho Worms started to photograph terrils or slagheaps in Belgium, France, Germany, Poland and Wales. These mountains are the visual remnants of the coal mining industry. In Europe these black pyramids are the symbols of a vanishing era that began with the industrial revolution and has now evolved into an age dominated by binary code. In his series 1 Two Tree (2013 – 2016), Worms photographed forestry in Finland, Sweden, France, and Belgium. Click here for more information on 1 Two Tree.