Home Artists Antonio Nocera


Antonio Nocera


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Works by Antonio Nocera

Antonio Nocera is an Italian born artist who works across different mediums including: painting, sculpture and installations. He is currently engaged in the creation of a new cycle of works dedicated to butterflies, as a symbol of freedom and spiritual change.

Antonio Nocera was born in Caivano (Naples), Italy, in 1949. 

He studied at the Napoli Art High School and at the Napoli Fine Arts Academy, attending painting, sculpture and scenography classes. He also took interest the manufacturing of leather, ceramic and all printing techniques.

In the 70s Nocera moved to Rome, Parma and Milan, where he set his first exhibitions. He moved to Venice, Switzerland, France, Belgium and UK, in order to seek new experiences and to follow his curiosity and unstoppable passion for travelling. In the meantime, he created masterpieces in collaboration with international in-situations such as the European Parliament, UNESCO, Onu and Unicef. 

In 1988 he moved to Rome, working with the State Mint Polygraph Institute and with the Parliament. In the following year, the Committee for celebrations of French Revolution Bicentenary officially offered him to set an exhibition at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. In 2002 he introduced the illustrated book The Adventures of Pinocchio – A Tale of a Puppet in Rome at the Culture Minister. In the same year he inaugurated the exhibition Pinocchio et la Lune at Paris Municipality, then at the European Parliament in Bruxelles, with introduction of Giorgio Napolitano.

In 2003, Maestro Antonio Nocera was received in Castelgandolfo by Pope Giovanni Paolo II, for which he realized the enamels collection Sacred Images. Two years later, under the benediction of Pope Benedetto XVI, he put the sculpture Chirstus Patiens on the altar of Neapolitans’ Holy Ghost Church in Rome and inaugurated the relative exhibition. 

In 2006 he realized a bronze monument for the 50th Anniversary of The Tragedy of Marcinelle Mines, in Belgium. In the same year, he inaugurated his personal exhibition Once Upon a Time..., with more than 150 sculptures, paintings and drawings at the Monumental Complex of San Michele a Ripa, Rome. In 2010 Head of State Giorgio Napolitano inaugurated at Mercati di Traiano (Rome) the exhibition Oltre il Nido (Beyond the Nest).

In 2011 he participated to the 54th Biennale di Venezia (Arsenal, Maiden’s Garden) with an installation. In 2012, invited by Italy Ambassador Antonio Morabito, he put in the Grimaldi Forum Esplanade in Montecarlo an installation titled Oltre il Mare (Beyond the Sea), inaugurated by H.R.H. Caroline de Hanover. In 2013, he set another exhibition entitled I libri d’Acqua (The water books). 

In 2015 he attended Expo Milan with a work regarding the topic of migration, at the exhibition “the Treasure of Italy” by Vittorio Sgarbi. In 2016 he was received by His Holiness Pope Francesco to show his new work about Pinocchio. In 2017 he presents the first volume of his General Catalog to S.A.S. Prince Albert of Monaco.

In 2018 his Pulcinella Artist Book is auctioned at the Niaf gala in Washington. He is currently engaged in the creation of a new cycle of works dedicated to butterflies, as a symbol of freedom and spiritual change.