Home Artists Adam Chodzko


Adam Chodzko

London, United Kingdom

8 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Whitstable, Kent, United Kingdom

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Adam Chodzko is an artist working across media, exploring our conscious and unconscious behaviour, social relations and collective imaginations through artworks that are propositions for alternative forms of ‘social media.’ Exhibiting work nationally and internationally since 1991, his work speculates how, through the visual, we might best connect with others; ‘How might we perceive better’?

Source: www.adamchodzko.com

University of Manchester, BA (Hons) History of Art, 1985–88
Goldsmiths College, London, MA Fine Art, 1992–94

Selected Solo Exhibitions:

2023 But as we looked it suddenly began to change.   Wei-Ling Contemporary, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2022 Renata, remember you are unconscious; you have no expression, no pain, you don’t yell, you are unconscious!  British School at Rome, Rome

2015 Channel, Rupture, Fujiya Gallery, Beppu, Japan (Beppu Triennial)

2013  You’ll See; This Time it’ll be Different, Benaki Museum, Athens
Room for Laarni, Image Moderator, Marlborough Contemporary
We are Ready for your Arrival  (with Iain Baxter&), Raven Row, London

2011 Scenes from a Marriage, Neue Alte Brucke, Frankfurt.

2010 taken in, fall outSiakos.Hanappe, Athens

2008 Proxigean Tide, Tate St Ives

2007 MAMbo – Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna, Bologna

2004 Carlier Gebauer, Berlin
Els Hanappe Underground, Athens

Selected Group Exhibitions

2023 A Screaming Comes Across the Sky, Pastor Projects, El Nopal Press, LA

2022 The Horror Show, Somerset House, London (2022)

2021 Sunken Ecology, Margate NOW, Kent
A Very Special Place: Ikon in the 1990s, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham

2020 The Botanical Mind, Camden Art Centre

2019 Being Human, (permanent exhibition), commissioned work for the collection, Wellcome Collection, London

2018 Sleepers, 2017, The Film London Jarman Award: A Journey Through the First Decade, Whitechapel Gallery
Muster Station : The House of Beautifully Earned Trust, Whitstable Biennale
Knots, (2013) in
Refuge, Whitechapel Art Gallery
Muster Station: The School of Beginnings, Tate Exchange

2017 a flight from reason, curated by Yuri Pattison from the LUX Collection, PLASTIK Festival of Artists Moving Image, Irish Film Institute

2016 Deep Above in UNFIX, Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA), Glasgow.
Both Sides Now 3, touring to: TEMPORARY OSMOSIS, Audiovisual Media Festival, Taiwan and Korea,

2015 Knots in Rencontres Internationales, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin.
Private Utopia: Contemporary Art from the British Council Collection. Dunedin Public Art Gallery, New Zealand

2014 Les Rencontres Internationales, Paris

2013 Assembly: A Survey of Recent Artists’ Film and Video in Britain 2008–2013, Tate Britain.
More than I Dare to Think About, Marlborough Contemporary, London
Because… New commission as part of Schwitters in Britain, Tate Britain, London

2011 Among Other Things, Camberwell Space, London.
The Profane Myth – The Mining Institute, Newcastle upon Tyne
Loophole to Happiness, Museum of Contemporary Art, Lodz, & Futura Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague & AMT Projects Bratislava

2010 Apocalypse Now, Krowswork, Hot Springs Documentary Festival, Oakland, California.
BLOOD TEARS FAITH DOUBT, Courtauld Gallery, London.
Whitstable Biennale, Whitstable, Kent.

Chodzko's work is in the collections of the Tate, The British Council, The British Film Institute, The Arts Council, APT, Auckland City Art Gallery, Contemporary Art Society Collection, The Creative Foundation, Frac Languedoc-Rousillon, GAM - Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Turin, Grizedale Arts, MAMBo - Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna, Plains Arts Museum, North Dakota, USA, Saatchi Collection, South London Gallery, Towner Gallery Eastbourne, Wellcome Collection and international private collections.

Hamlyn Foundation, 2002
Foundation for
Contemporary Art, New York, 2002

AHRC Research Fellowship in the Film Department at the University of Kent, Canterbury, 2007
Jarman Awards, shortlisted, 2015
DACS Art360 Award, 2016