Home Artworks La pietra effimera

La pietra effimera Discover the best available selection of paintings by the artist Gianni Bacchetti. Buy from art galleries around the world with Kooness! Kooness
500 EUR
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La pietra effimera


Dated Titled

From the series I tuffatori



24 x 26 x 2 cm
9 x 10.24 x 0.79 in







The divers The stones in fragile balance by Gianni Bacchetti tell us about the moment before the fall. That moment in which the diver is about to shift the center of gravity towards the void and abandon himself to the maternal call of the Earth. The falling stone is the act of reunification between the stone in its state of power (the fluctuation) and its ontological state: the rock. The fall is therefore a return to an imperishable state of belonging through a state of hypnosis that the fall triggers and that the fall cultivates. "Being on the verge of" is what the Trieste painter is interested in, using pictorial harmonies that are the offspring of English postmodernism. His training as a graphic engraver is clear in the compositional structure of his work. And just as the boundary between graphics and painting is blurred in this proposal, in the same way the subjects of his mixed techniques accompany the observer in a confusion of meaning in which what appears inanimate becomes an animated creature and what we know as living (i plants) become monuments that have planted roots in the rock.

1973 Trieste, Italy

Gianni Bacchetti nato a Trieste nel 1953, è stato allievo della Scuola d’arte triestina “Enrico e Umberto Nordio” ove si è diplomato nel 1973, la sua attività di artista si lega a quella di disegnatore e architetto di interni.  Partecipa nel corso della sua carriera a mostre d’arte in tutto il Friuli Venezia Giulia, patrocinate dal Comune di Trieste, nonché a esposizioni nazionali e internazionali.  Ha vinto nel corso della sua carriera innumerevoli premi e la sua ricerca artistica è stata oggetto di pubblicazioni su riviste e cataloghi d’arte.    

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The Tivarnella Art is a contemporary art gallery, and its main interest is in promoting living Italian artists. Enea Chersicola has been working as an art dealer since 2012, and after gathering experience in the field, he decidede to establish his gallery in Trieste (Italy), in 2018. Tivarnella Art participates in various art fair all around Europe, organ...

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