Technological developments never stop also in the art system, all born to spread more information and offer increasingly simple access inside this niche environment. Among the latest discoveries seems to collect a great success the new online platform Collecteurs.
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Founded by Jessica and Evrim Oralkan, two important collectors, the platform aims to provide a new virtual public space for those people have beautiful artworks but not a physical place. The project was developed by using New Inc, a cultural incubator promoted by the New Museum in New York which aims to support entrepreneurial initiatives dedicated to art, design and technology.
Against the static filling of deposits or collecting lived as a sterile accumulation, Collecteurs intend to reactivate the potential of the artworks, especially unknown artworks, through a new dialogue with a huge online community. Among his contributors, Collecteurs has chosen an exceptional ambassador: Nástio Mosquito, an international artist that worked for MoMA museums, Tate Modern, Walker Art Center, Fondazione Prada and also for this 58th Venice Biennal. While, the advisory board is composed by Johann König (König Galerie), Damian Bradfield (president of Wetransfer) and the Italian Eugenio Re Rebaudengo (Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation and founder of Artuner).

As declared by the founders:
With the evolution of our initial idea - a digital platform for collectors to showcase their collections while connecting with each other - we focused our energy on giving the public access to unseen private collections. It is our belief that the majority of the world’s problems are caused due to corporate greed and the careless maximization of shareholder profit above all else. In order to provide the art world the platform it deserves, we self-funded, as well as self-built, Collecteurs to keep the influences away until we structured Collecteurs as an independent public-benefit corporation (PBC). Finally, in late 2018, we joined other socially-conscious PBC’s like Kickstarter and Patagonia to ensure that the public’s benefit is always the priority for the company.