With an essentiality and an economy of resources that refer to certain Asian art, Alexandra Álvarez Carvajal recreates in her work the condition of some animals: certain parts of their bodies seem to have life after being severed. The tail of the lizard, for example. Only here the animals are fish.

The series of her digital project Pez sin cola show mutilated animals, in a declared tribute to a spirit that can sacrifice physical integrity in order to avoid captivity. These tails that float turgid become symbols of freedom.

But in this visual framework there is no relish in torture or pain. The graceful sobriety with which the tails are integrated into the context seems to refer, more than the act of mutilation itself, to the peace after the battle.

In some of the creations, flowers, leaves and branches (and again references to a frankly oriental style) round off a serene and to a certain extent sensual landscape.

Resurrection or resignation? That could be the dilemma.


- Yuris Nórido. Cuban art critic.

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