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Single piece Signed Dated Titled


106.68 x 111.76 x 5.08 cm
42 x 44.00 x 2.00 in







Oil on Canvas

1958 , New Zealand

Ross Tamlin was born in Auckland, New Zealand in 1958. After completing 2 years of a Town Planning course, he was offered a cadetship in a County Council. Ross knew he wanted to be an artist. Declining the cadetship, in 1982 Ross emigrated to Australia in order to find out. This is when wanting to be an artist became a reality instead of a dream. He began a Fine Arts Certificate course at Meadowbank TAFE, then in Brisbane, he completed a graphic arts course before returning to Sydney.

In Sydney, he joined the artists’ studios in Rozelle; first at CASA studio and then 1+2 studio. It was here that he developed his signature corrugated iron paintings. Influenced by the De Stijl movement, these paintings represent a synthesis of art and function. Incorporating the aesthetics of modern industrial technique, the corrugation in the paintings is a visual illusion created by layers of paint and varnish. The use of bold modern signage adds another layer of visual interpretation. Ross lives and works in Northern NSW. He has been a professional artist since 2003. He exhibits regularly in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne and is represented by galleries in Victoria, Sydney, Brisbane, Byron Bay and Paris France. He has worked in private and corporate collections in Australia, Canada, USA, Japan, Britain, Scotland, France, Switzerland, Hong Kong and New Zealand.

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106.68 x 111.76 x 5.08cm

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106.68 x 111.76 x 5.08cm

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106.68 x 111.76 x 5.08cm

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111.76 x 106.68 x 5.08cm

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Pebble Beach

106.68 x 111.76 x 5.08cm

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Whistler, Unit #110, 4293 Mountain Square

Off-Piste Fine Arts Continues Its Dedication to the Promotion of Distinctive Canadian, American, and International Contemporary Art. We represent emerging, mid-career and established artists. Our art encompasses a diversity of styles including figurative, abstract and landscape. The gallery offers an exceptional selection of original paintings, multi-media w...

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106.68 x 111.76 x 5.08 cm

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Twist and Shout


106.68 x 111.76 x 5.08 cm

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