Home Artworks The performer

The performer


Single piece


100 x 80 cm
39 x 31.50 in





Acrylic on canvas

1981 Kaoshiung, Taiwan

1981: Born in Kaoshiung, Taiwan

2004: Graduated from Cultural Affairs University, Department of Chinese Literature and Creative Arts

2007: Theatre of Lee Qing Zhao

2015: Founder of Nut’s Bow, a brand that designs and produces women’s bag

2019: Start to devote to painting full time

2021 Asia Hundred Million Gallery (AHM) Solo Expedition “Refection of Innocence.”

2022 Shen Nong Village Solo Expedition “Cradle Dream”

2022 Guo Home Coffee House Solo Expedition “Sirius.”

2022 STAART Illustration Art Fair at TAi Urban Resort 


Geometric blocks that are bright, cheerful and colourful are my favourite, and I frequently imagine that they are my toys. I will play, dance, and tumble about when no one is around. Through my work, I will utilize basic shapes to evoke feelings of utter bliss and to bring the world back to its innocent state. These geometries will encourage creative thinking, stimulate the brain, and open up to new ideas!

Painting is authentic, and to paint and produce satisfying art, one must first delve deeper into themselves. To comprehend the meaning of my paintings and what I want to paint, I continually reflect on my experiences and investigate my physical and mental states. I constantly create to discover what my heart desires. In this process, I was freed from the outdated structures and frameworks and cleansed from art concepts I no longer apply. The best teacher I ever had was painting. It taught me to transcend myself and overcome my challenges. I still consider myself fortunate to be able to paint and enjoy creating!


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Madrid, C/ de los Estudios, 7

Art comes to life with vibrant modern energy at MONAT Gallery In the very heart of the capital - Madrid - within walking distance of all the key attractions and seven historical buildings as Royal Palace, Opera House - Royal Theater, Plaza Mayor, Plaza del Sol, iconic Gran Via Boulevard, Congress of Deputies Madrid and the Golden Triangle of Art of the th...

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