Home Artworks Elysium #6

Elysium #6 Discover the best available selection of paintings by the artist Giulia Coda. Buy from art galleries around the world with Kooness! Kooness
390 EUR
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Elysium #6


Single piece Dated Titled



65 x 60 cm
26 x 23.62 in







Elysium #6, acrylic and oil on wood and canvas, 2020.

1994 Novi Ligure, Italy

Giulia Coda was born in Novi Ligure on the 25th of April 1994. She attended for four years the Art School C. Carrà in Valenza and then moved in Venice to attend the Academy of Fine Arts. In 2018 she obtained the Level I Diploma in Painting and Performing Arts, in 2020 obtained the Level II Diploma at the same Academy. "The artist, at the moment he creates his valid work of art, is able to magically understand both the outside world and himself". The above quote (Harold Rosenberg) succeeds in perfectly describing Giulia Coda's thoughts on art.


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Looking For Art Gallery is a place of artistic and cultural exchange for hundreds of under 35 artists gravitating around our project. The final goal is to create new and better growth opportunities for young artists, who can find in our online gallery a place where they can express, experiment and share art in all its facets. It is a space where innovation...

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