Home Artists Tatiana Radsivilko


Tatiana Radsivilko

Minsk, Belarus

4 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Tatiana Radsivilko

Sport Ground II


Paintings , Oil

120 x 160 x 4cm

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Hands tanned


Paintings , Oil

20 x 20 x 1.5cm

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Bathing 1


Paintings , Oil

20 x 20 x 1.5cm

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In the dark


Paintings , Oil

20 x 20 x 1.5cm

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Tatiana Radsivilko is a Belarussian artist born in 1968 who lives & works in Minsk in Belarus. She is graduated from the Belarusian Art Academy. The idea of her works is mainly built on the contrast between the size of the human figure and empty space which conveys to the viewer connotations of isolation and loneliness.  Scale plays an important role in the imagery. If there is too much space for figures, they seem to be on the field of a play or in an isometric view. At the same time, the action taking place on the canvases remains incomprehensible and goals of presence are variable.