Home Artists JD Miller


JD Miller

San Diego, United States

30 Works exhibited on Kooness

Current location

Dallas, TX

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Works by JD Miller

Summer Jubilee I


Paintings , Oil

91.44 x 91.44cm

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Mystic Aspen


Paintings , Oil

121.92 x 91.44cm

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Reflection of a Bouquet IV


Paintings , Oil

101.6 x 76.2cm

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Reflection of a Bouquet III


Paintings , Oil

76.2 x 76.2cm

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Reflection of a Bouquet II


Paintings , Oil

101.6 x 76.2cm

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Reflection of a Bouquet I


Paintings , Oil

101.6 x 101.6cm

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The Power Within


Paintings , Oil

152.4 x 182.88cm

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Oh Yeah!


Paintings , Oil

213.36 x 152.4cm

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Midnight Minuet


Paintings , Oil

50.8 x 40.64cm

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Petite Huracan STO II


Paintings , Oil

76.2 x 76.2cm

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JD Miller is a pioneering Reflectionist artist renowned for his innovative 3-dimensional oil paintings. With over 25 years of dedicated practice, Miller has evolved his style from reinterpretations of masters like Picasso, Van Gogh, and Gaugin into a unique and expressive form. His work is imbued with a powerful sense of positivity, love, and joy, embodying the core principles of Reflectionism. Through a distinctive process that channels universal vibrations into the physicality of oil paint, Miller creates immersive canvases that transport viewers on a profound artistic journey. His influential work is celebrated in major art collections and museums across the United States.