Home Artists Angélique Wirtz


Angélique Wirtz

United States

5 Works exhibited on Kooness

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Works by Angélique Wirtz

Coeur de Lumière


Paintings , Acrylic , Mixed Media

100 x 80 x 2cm

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Portail Stellaire


Paintings , Acrylic , Mixed Media

120 x 40 x 2cm

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Au Pays des Merveilles


Paintings , Acrylic , Mixed Media

100 x 50cm

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Nouvelle Terre


Paintings , Acrylic , Mixed Media

100 x 80 x 2cm

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Ancrage et liberté


Paintings , Acrylic

100 x 80 x 2cm

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"The world needs Light, Colour and Glitter more than ever"

It was during the First Confinement that I felt the Call to paint. In the past, I had painted and expressed my creativity through various media but this time it was different. It wasn't just about me, I felt the need to share, to convey energies that are meant for everyone...
With this same aim, and even though I am not a big fan of networks, I felt pushed to create a website, I felt compelled to register on Instagram.
It was then that the Magic (the Soul acts) worked and others joined me.

When I read their impressions and feelings, I feel so grateful. It is so fulfilling when a canvas vibrates for another
soul. So I feel like a Mediator, a Messenger, a channel of something greater than myself and connected to all.
My only mission, sometimes delicate, is to make myself fully available to receive these energies and transmit them to you.
I put all my heart into it and I invite all those who will read this text to express their
I invite all those who will read this text to express their creativity in turn, whatever the medium.